Oh.. anakku demam.. huhu :(


We first heard her coughing last Saturday morning.

it was sahur time.

So i said to mr hubby, we better take her to the clinic to get some medication.

That afternoon, we went to the clinic and got some meds for her cough.

no temperature yet.

on Sunday (that was yesterday), i was working.

So i asked my mom and my sis to monitor Alia besides giving her meds on the right time.

yesterday evening, when mr hubby and Alia came to fetch me at the office, Alia started to have a temperature.

We bought a paracetamol at a pharmacy nearby.

but last night, came another one. She has developed some runny nose.


So today, maybe sometime in the afternoon or evening, i had to buy her meds for her selsema..

i just hope her demam-batuk-selsema doesn't get any worse.

tak nak beraya di hospital... huhu :(

actually, she developed her cough from her babysitter.

i noticed that when we were sending Alia, she was coughing!

Erm.. tak pa la. benda nak jadi.. ini semua ada hikmahnya...

Anyway, this reminds me of last year, it was 1st Syawal, and we went to our kampung, with our baby who was having a fever..

maybe tiap2 syawal alia demam kot.. hahah

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Zue said…
i think babies tak sesuai pergi tempat sesak sesak untuk shopping
eva balik dari sogo pun demam
ni danial ngan abah dia pun tengah demam

berdoa ajelah kita ya....