Eclipse is coming to town!



Tadi on the way to office saya ada ternampak iklan...

Eclipse is coming to cinema...

7th July 2010!

Wah.. sudah dekat ni...

harus bookmark di kalendar.. :)

(hmm... kena baca balik la Eclipse nampaknya. sudah lupa la apa ceritanya..)
**Jom TWILIGHT FANS! kita gegarkan panggung! :) heheheh...
-pic googled-

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Anonymous said…
tak sabar!!
ietams said…
a'ah, saya pun ternanti-nanti kan eclipse ni.. katenye release 30hb..
mari le memeriahkan panggung
joyahsport said…
nk tgk bru nk bace new moon ni...skip ah..eclipse dulu...jom..jom..
FAM said…
should be menarik tp buku tetap lbh menarik.
Hanz Jamaludin said…
Zu,..look forward coz Eclipse is the highlight of this series. :>
Mummy Dasy said…
menarik...tertarik...x sabar tgg..