Call me JACKO!


Just a note to my dear sister:

isoniazid-100mg -2 tablets
ethambutol -400mg (sangat pahit!!!!) -2tablets
rimactane -150mg
viamin B6/pyridoxine HCL -10mg
rifampicin -300mg
pyrazinamide -500mg -2 tablets

so altogether 9 biji ubat each day.. :(

oh ya, side effects: sometimes i feel bloated.. sometimes i feel like i wanna vomit.. but most of the times i feel headache.

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Anonymous said…
byknye ubat kena ambik. xpe janji cepat baik.
mak aih byknye ubat :( get well soon dear!
Ken Wooi said…
interesting that you listed the dosages for medicines over here..
your sister must be touched =)
Diver Mom said…
banyak... huhu :( insya allah.. amin!

banyak sangat.. huhu :( tq...

yup. she must be! after all, she's a doctor. i just would like her to know what are medications and the dosage. :)