You'll know your child is big enough when they...

.. eat themselves

.. pretty good at demanding things and know by crying, sometimes (or rather, always!) works!

.. know how to rearrange things..

.. know how to turn off the TV

.. know how to ride a car

.. know how to call their dad!

.. know how to use a lappy!

ahahah.... :)

ok, this proves that i have no idea to update this blog.. :)

and also...

maybe it is time for me to start planning for another one... :) ahaha...

mana boleh jadi ni... ramai sangat dah preggy ni! nanti saya tertinggal keretapi pula! :)


Hanz Jamaludin said…
a-ah zu, tunggu aper lagi..kasi playmate-lah kat Alia..(wink!)
Anonymous said…
setuju ;)
Diver Mom said…
erm.. my mom kata alia masih kecil lagi.. so saya sebenarnya kesian pada alia.. :(

ahaha.. masih dalam pertimbangan... :)
iena hamdi said…
la... tunggu apa lagi,... selamat berhoneymoon.. kekkeke
Diver Mom said…
kak iena:
ahaha.. alia nak campak mana..? huhu :)

hehe.. i like it too! :)
Hernee Nazir said…
dh blh tmbh dh tu..hehehe..alia pn dh bso pnjg..hehehe..chaiyok2..