Starlight... Is it a song...? or a .... ?


Yes. U all pernah dengar "Starlight" ....?

For fans of Muse, sure sudah tidak asing lagi, right...?

I was into Muse pun sejak Ely introduced me with their In The Shadows.. and later on, Ely jugak yang bertanggungjawab introduced me to Twilight (the movie), which i later on fell in love with their baseball background music ~ Supermassive Black Hole.. also from Muse..

And later on, i get to know their few other songs.. and one of them is STARLIGHT! :)

**nak dengar lagu Starlight..? :)

Starlight - Muse

Oh ya, kebetulan pula, my perfume is no longer available.. (not even a drop!) geram betul! So last Saturday, i ajak My Hubby and ALia and we went to JJ AU2.

In search of a perfume! :)

(yeah, i know, that this Thursday is the JCard Members Day Sale (ehem.. ehem..) , but i don't think i can make it...)

So, i asked the Sales Assistant (S.A.), about the price of my regular Irresistable Givenchy perfume.. it was oh-so-expensive! RM270! aduhai...

but the SA recommended something else for me.. :)

a STARLIGHT! by Aigner..

the price was ok la, RM210..

and the smell, i think it was sweet.. :)

and here it is!


(macam hantaran perkahwinan, right...? ni yang rasa macam nak suruh Ely kahwin cepat-cepat ni.. hahaha) :)

oh, i simply adore the bottle.. so cute! :)

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p-na mama oja said…
tomeii botolnya... syoknya shoppin...

ari tu p-na ada pegi jap jcard sale, tp x shop sakan pun.. just usya2 jer...
Diver Mom said…
comel kan..? :)

oh, usha je ke..? hihi.. rugi tu! rembat la apa-apa pun! hihi.. :)
MiszMama said…
alahai..ade j-card day. semenjak dah ade baby ni tak penah g j-card. takut jugak..time j-card day byk benar announcement pasai anak ilang kat servis kaunter..kalu nak g jugak kenalah tinggalkan bdk2 ni kat mane2 dulu.
~ Lady ell ~ said…
yuhuu..i'm a big fan of muse.
dlm blog ell ada 2 n3 pasal muse (clips n lyrics).tp lama dah...n kat ell nyer playlist pun ada beberapa lagu from muse nih.agak jiwang jugak la..

btw ell rasa pernah singgah sini la.mcm kenal je ekk. :P
salam ziarah ya..ell masuk lalu blog yan(ummiabbiqis)
~Umi.Sufira~ said…
Nina said…
saya amat sukakan muse...heheh..and sayer juga suka itu perfuem..emmmm..besnyer dapat minyak wangi..
Sz said…
wahhh perfume baru..yeayyy
Diver Mom said…
hehe.. budak ilang..? aduhai.. takotnya.. :( mintak dijauhkan! amin...

Lady Ell:
hihi.. saya pun minat Muse juga.. :)
oh, x pa, jemput la.. :)

Umi Sufira:
comel, kan..? :)

hihi.. cute.. dan wangi.. :)

alhamdulillah.. baru terasa 'bernyawa' kembali! hihi :)
Anonymous said…
Yap!!! bottle tu mmg chantek, baunya okay tak dear???
Diver Mom said…
hihi.. oh baunya..? sedap.. :) selera saya la.. :) hihi..
Anonymous said…
comel nye botol nye.
Hernee Nazir said…
i like muse too.. hehehe
Zue said…
tak dak duit nak beli perfume mahal mahal
nanti balik kekna pau lah awak punya ya...
Diver Mom said…
comel, kan..? :)

same here! :)

hehe.. mahal ke..? boleh la.. sedang2 saja.. :) pau..? buleh.. :)
Nurhayati said…
cantik botol dia.. skang ni dorang market botol2 perfume macam2 design.. cantik je tgk