on Today's Plan..


Well, today, i'm on leave! (again.. *sigh*..) had to. My mom is going to the Assunta Hospital.. for a check-up, i suppose.

So i had to stay at home.. taking care of my dad. :)

So that eventually left me with a few things to be done.. (sometimes Mr Dad is asleep, and i dunno what to do..)

1. Blog surfing.. :) that is a MUST!

2. Entering the 'similar face mom and child' contest.. [i still have to find a picture for that though..]

3. Finishing my Breaking Dawn! [i only have like one chapter left.. should be able to finish in no time..]

4. erm.. I am looking forward to do a Giveaway.. soon. But i have to invent the 'quiz'/contest first.. wonder what would that be...:)

oh ya, speaking of Giveaway, Nurhayati (mama Zara) and DYLA has yet to give me their address, so that i can post the prizes (for the Giveaway #2 contest).. please mail me at zuhaini@psn.gov.my

Till then.. tata! :)

~have u vote me for the MSK-Chantek Chantek Nursing Wear..? Please vote at the poll on top of this post.. tq!


DYLA said…
lupe la nak anta emel tu.. sorry ye mama alia..

sonoknya duk kat umah..
Kambenggurun said…
jage la bpk tu..men ternet je~ haha
p-na mama oja said…
cuti ye? bgus la jaga ayah..

oh ada contest muka mak sama ngn anak ke? nk join gak leh..leh kc link ke? tp saya sama kah?? hehe
Diver Mom said…
hehe... saya da check. tq.
*best..? buleh la.. :) saya lg seronok kerja sebenarnya.. :)

ye lah.. ye lah.. :)

contest tu..? sat eh.. mana tah link nya... ok.. here: http://mayaqarmyla.blogspot.com/2009/05/contest-seiras-wajah.html
Good luck! :)
Nurhayati said…
la ada menang rupanye.. tak pasan la.. okey nanti i email yer.

pasal vote chantek2 tu sudah ku laksanakan.. hihi gud luck yer.
Anonymous said…

blog surfing menunggul carta no 1... hehehehe!!! Tu yang tak tahan tuh!!!
Diver Mom said…
Nurhayati:hehe.. ok, email ya!
~tq for voting! :)

Mummysya:hehe.. blog surfing harus no. 1! :)