on Robot Zoo!


Wah.. it was really an overwhelming response (regarding the Pop Quiz that i did yesterday) !! :)

And yes, we will have the 2nd Pop Quiz soon! (bila nak buat, ya..? Tengah hari...? ) ok. then, it is set! Tomorrow (that will be on Wednesday... Noon!) :) Jenguk la ye.. hopefully not as hard as the first one! :)

Ok, back to our story..

We (National Science Centre) are proud to announce that we have a new exhibition at our place!

It is called Robot Zoo!

This exhibition is brought all the way from.... Singapore! yup.. not so far, though!

It will be until end of June 09..

Robot Zoo exhibits animals.. but in the form of robots! yes, they are moving (to the left and right..).. and actually the main purpose is to show how the animal moves by using robots!

So you can learn (and know) how the animals move.. see.. run.. etc..

And the best part is.. 80% of the exhibits are hands-on! :)

Erm.. this exhibition is free. But if you just have to pay a little amount for the entrance fee (that one covers Robot Zoo, and also others NSC exhibition galleries) Oh ya.. How much is the fee..? For adult : RM4.00, and for children : RM2.00 :)

This is why i was thinking of having the My Super Kids gathering here! :) hihi...

Oh ya, don't forget to stay tune for the the Pop Quiz number 2! :)

~hadiah fridge magnet ikan tu lagi, boleh tak...? bajet x berapa nak ada.. lain la kalau ada sponsor! *wink* :)


p-na mama oja said…
wah..syoknya.. bila sy nak sampai nie?? huhuhu...

~alamak apsal leh termiss pop kuiz nie??
Diver Mom said…
ha.. mmg syok! :)

ter miss..? oh, mungkin kejap sangat kot (saya buat satu petang je hari tu) x pa, kali ni saya buat 24 jam! :) hihi...
Anonymous said…
zu, soklan nye jgn susah2 sgt..hehehe ;)
Emma said…
mcm best je.. huhu... camne ek nak ajak en bos nie???

-mama emma-
mama idzareef said…
bestnya..blh join jgk contest kali nie..hehe..
Diver Mom said…
hihi.. tapi kan, saya rasa soalan kali ni susah la, berbanding last time... :(

mama emma:
erm.. best! mmg best! tp tu lah, part memujuk tu x dapat nak tolong la.. haha :)

mama idzareef:
buleh.. sure! :)
Anonymous said…

Dear, sabtu open tak??
Kambenggurun said…
kasi hint sekali yeh utk soklan nnti~
Diver Mom said…
Sabtu buka.. sekarang ni kami buka setiap hari (Isnin - Ahad)
9 pg-6 ptg ~weekdays
9pg-7ptg ~ weekends

oh.. hint..? :) tgk la dulu.. :)
wah best ni...kebetulan cuti sekolah..boleh bawa bebudak ke sana. anak akak yg 1st tu suka sgt pasal robot2 ni. kat skolah pun masuk persatuan robotik..