on It's Halfway Through May 02, 2009 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Salam....It is now halfway through... :)Seriously... it is so hard for me to juggle between reading the novel... and taking care of the ever active Alia... Aduhai... Comments Zue said… kiikikikitahniah! Diver Mom said… haha.. mcm perli je tu.. :) Ms Lola said… You can do it!!! Nak seribu daya... Sriyana said… wah ada masa lagi dia nak baca novel2 semua kan. bagus2 keep it up. hehe =) aCu said… meh ika tulun bacekan..nak? knv said… selamat menjerumuskan diri!:P Diver Mom said… mimielola:haha.. insya Allah.. thank you! :)Mommy Lily:haha.. x da masa sangat sebenarnya.. curi-curi masa in between.. pasal nak sangat baca novel dia! :)aCu:haha.. ika nak bacakan..? hehe.. Arina:haha.. thank you.. haha.. once da start.. da x leh stop da.. :( bspotgurl said… Take your time to finish it Diver Mom said… bspotgurl:haha.. masalahnya time tu x brapa nak ada.. :) jenuh nak abihkan!
haha.. insya Allah.. thank you! :)
Mommy Lily:
haha.. x da masa sangat sebenarnya.. curi-curi masa in between.. pasal nak sangat baca novel dia! :)
haha.. ika nak bacakan..? hehe..
haha.. thank you.. haha.. once da start.. da x leh stop da.. :(
haha.. masalahnya time tu x brapa nak ada.. :) jenuh nak abihkan!