

So, how's our new look..? hahaha... very sorry, as i am so bored with the old one... :)

anyway, your blog list will be up soon (as the time now is already 2.30 am.. maybe i'll continue tomorrow. maybe.)

So, how's your weekend..? so far so good..?

Well, we went to see Wan this evening.

Alhamdulillah, the "bengkak" at the face has subside, and he starts to eat now.. :)

hmm... however, I heard alia passed a few coughs just now.. :(

it has been only 1 week (4 days, to be precise) but she has just been infected from the nursery... :(

well, i am quite miserable now.. hmm.. :(

by the way, gnite everybody! :)


Anonymous said…
i'm glad yr dad is getting better. :)

Ammaru, sejak duk nursery tak pernah lekang dari selsema. Batuk pun kerap. Hopefully, kejap lagi the nanny tu boleh kembali bertugas jaga alia.
Diver Mom said…

tu lah.. ni alia pun da demam + batuk2.. :(

ya, hopefully! :)