Sleep now, my baby

Hush now, my baby
Be still love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember
My last lullaby
And I'll be with you when you dream

(from the motion picture Prince of Egypt)


Anonymous said…
alahai..comei je tgk bby tido..sejuk je ati tgk kn?..

p-na nie klu oja tido geram je nk kacau, cium2..cubit..eee.... geramm la tgk bby tido...rasa nk penyet2...
Anonymous said…
ni siapa yg tidur ni. alia kah itu? macam lain je zuhaini?
Jua Zulkef said…
tak pasal2 terus i ngantuk tgk aliaa tidur.
Anonymous said…
alahai bestnye tido...suka tgk budak2 kecik ni tido decent jek ghupe....
Diver Mom said…
p-na mama oja
a ah.. cute je.. mak ai, jgn la sampai penyet! haha.. :)

hehe.. alia la tu.. left one. yg kanan tu sepupu dia.. Danial..

heheh.. jom tido! :)

Mummy Dasy
hehe.. betul! dan time tidur je la yg bole snap gambar dia.. kalau tak, payah nak capture!