She pooped!

... when we took her from the nursery!

(oh well, as you can see, from this post, it is stated that Aunty Babysitter can't take care of Alia due to her daughter's admission to the hospital. So we did try asking the JKR nursery but it was full. So we had no other choice. We had to settle for the nursery just at the back of our house. which has this issue, this, and this!)

The first day we sent her (that was last Tuesday), and when we took her from the nursery, just as we go inside the car, there came an undeniably strong, stinking smell, coming from Alia.. Duh..? Didn't they change her diaper..? I thought "Ok, maybe they didn't notice it.. let's give them a chance.."

2nd day, that was yesterday, when we took her, AGAIN! she pooped and they did nothing!

-i couldn't understand why. In fact, there are 3 more diapers inside her bag!

**it really makes me considering the options of trying another nursery, or maybe just bring her to the office! :(

hmm... sigh..


Ms Lola said…
Oh, sabar je lah.... ramai sgt ke budak2?
Anonymous said…
ambil duit saja2 je. buat kerja tak mau. gilakah?
Nina said…
poor alia...tak merah ker montot die...tak try find another babysitter ke
iena hamdi said…
alamak... siannyer.. mcm mana yer.. kalau dekat leh akak tolong tengokkan alia tuh
Diver Mom said…
hmm.. gitu la.. ramai..? rasa x ramai sangat, tapi budak2 yg jaga ni tak terlatih.. :(

hmm... ntah la.. saya pun dah fed up ni..

hmm.. nasib baik x merah.. tu la, ingt nak survey nursery / babysitter lain..

hehe.. susah2 je aunty nih.. :)
MS said…
kenapa hantar nursery yang sama? kan previously dah ada prob?
Diver Mom said…
well, senang cerita, kami nak hantar ke JKR nurseri tp da penuh.. and lagipun makcik babysitter kata kejap je dia off. so i thought tak pa la, kita hantar dalam seminggu je kat nurseri ni.. tak sangka depa masih macam tu..