Romantic Movies Tag

I was tagged! by mrs noba...

Please copy the following rules in your post:
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones..
2. It doesn't have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine..
3. You have to tag another 5 person to answer this tag

ok, here goes...

1) Corpse Bride...
haha.. not so scary.. but quite romantic!

2) Love Actually

I thought this is a funny story, (coz Mr Bean starred in it..) Turned out he was quite serious! haha.. but this is a MUST SEE movie. has few love stories.. simply love it!


Hehe.. i told u i love Disney.. i think this is a romantic movie.. :) suits all ages..

4) The Holiday

I watched this on HBO.. quite funny + romantic.. u should see it! They swap their places for the holiday.. and they fall in lurve.... :)

5) Titanic
hmm... need i say more...? hehe.. (i love Leonardo's hairdo by the way...)

Now, i wanna tag....

-Intan mama ammar
-Ummi Balqis
-Kek Na (mama Danial)
-Mama Oja

Good Luck! hihi.. :)

and have a happy holiday!


Anonymous said…
saya suka corpse bride!
Zue said…
i just realised i am tagged
this is one tag i would love to do
hmm sabar ya... pikir jap....