

Sorry. No updates for the past few days...

I've been busy taking care of my dad and the cute alia (who keeps yelling and running in the ward!) Thanx to Mr Hubby who helps me with the lil one.

This morning, we had a "discussion" with my dad's specialist. We (refers to my mom, my dad, my sister, me, my sisters, and mr hubby..) His name is Azizi. He succeeded in persuading my dad to go on with the operation thing.. (alhamdulillah, from his point of view, it has a very low risk, and should be a piece of cake! oh well, but when it comes to the head, all of us will fear if anything will go wrong...)

According to the specialist, the operation will only take about 2 hours...

It is going to be carried out tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9.00 am.

Please Doa and hope that the operation goes well and my dad will recover soon! amiin.. thank you...


Nina said…
moge selamat hendaknya..banyak2 berdoa yerr...
Emma said…
kita doakan operation tu bjaya, & ayah zue cepat2 sihat...

-mama emma-
Anonymous said…
Kami doakan semoga semuanyer berjalan dgn lancar...
~ziey~ said…
Semoga segalanya dalam lindungan dan Rahmat Allah jua...InsyaAllah....selamat...AMIN....
Siti Fatimah said…
semoga semua nyer berjln lancar & selamat...aminn....