Battle of the sexes: Mom or Dad...?


I reached my office so early today. That's because i had to drive! Erm.. yeah, Mr Hubby is on leave, to take care of the cute ALia... heheh..

By the way, some might ask..

"Do u trust ALia to be with her...?" , "Can he handle her..?" and such.

oh well, i do think he can take care of ALia, and sometimes, i think he looks after her better than i am!

yeah, undeniably true.. haha..

Usually i get caught up with house chores, and he is the one who reminds me to change her diapers.. feed her.. (oh well, i usually forgot to give her snacks..)..

So now, i am wondering, are we on the same boat...? or it is just me who sometimes accidentaly neglects my child... ? haha...


Anonymous said…
Mula2 dulu i pun tak percaya yg my hubby boleh jaga wafiy, walaupun deep down I know he too wants the best for him.

Women (esp me) are known to be control freak, what i do is biar je dia buat semua, paling lebih pun tanya, dah bg minum? dia pooped tak?

Cumanya dia jaga mmg lain dari cara kita jaga. But still he wants the best for his child!
M@y said…
my hubs bleh je caya jaga nanti balik umah mmg berkelabung la umah hakhak!! focus dia satu je..jaga anak..mmg tumpu kt anak je heheheh...xkisah kalo nk tinggal 2-3 minggu pun.bleh je caye..
ratna said…
urghhh comelnyer your daughter..
Anonymous said…
dun worry papa pun pandai jaga baby cuma papa ni tak lah seteliti mama, papa ni dia tak kisah sgt benda2 minor ni tapi dia pun sayang anak juga
iena hamdi said…
kadang kala kita ni banyak benda nak pikir..
anak suami kemas umah.. parents.. heheh kadang2 kita terlupa jugak kot.. bagusla kalau suami dapat ingat mengingati..
aCu said…
eleh..acu pun pndai jage ape...?
btw, ayat kakni sala r..
bukan her la..him..
Lenny said…
erm... actually it's kinda true.. masa first baby kitorang takder bibik.. so.. mmg buat keje seme sendiri... i think hubby took care of alya better than i am.. ahhahaha..
ZuH@iLieY said…
i CAN see that!!!
Diver Mom said…
hehe.. betul tu!

hehe.. part rmah berselerak tu yg x larat tu, kan..? hihi..

hehe.. tq aunty! :)

hehe.. betul! :)

iena hamdi
hehe.. betul! saya sokong 100%.. hihi :)

err.. jaga alia la.. her/him..? entah la. hantam saja la labu! :)

hehe.. we are on the same boat! hihi :)

chit! how dare u! haha.. :)
*x dak duit raya tahun ni!
aCu said…
baek x yah komen klu dah sume nye betul..
tp part x kasi duet raye kat kekly tu ika sokong sgt lah..wakkaa
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Diver Mom said…
you are welcome. :)
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