

Last night i got an sms. My sis (De) told me that my dad has been vomitting and having a severe headache... We straight away flew to keramat from sungai buloh..

Actually this headache is not like any ordinary headache... it was the tumor. My dad has been diagnosed of having a brain tumor. Last year. Should have operated, but since that wasn't a cancerous one, so we + my dad turned down the idea of operating it.. dangerous, maa!

After that, now and then, my dad keeps having some headaches.. so he seeks traditional remedies.. (while still on medicine prescribed by doctors..)

This morning, my sisters, De and Acu came home, from their uni. And Kek Na also came with Danial and her husband all the way from Teluk Intan.

It was about 3.00 pm when we called an ambulance (we couldn't get St John's ambulance.. instead, we managed to get PBSM).. and sent my dad to HUKM. Why HUKM..? because it is one of the Government Hospital that has neurospecialists.. and my dad's case was already there too!

So my dad had to be admitted. Mom will be staying there tonite..

I just hope that everything will be all right...


Anonymous said…
semoga cepat sembuh... Kami doakan ya...
Mimi said…
omg, u must be very worried.. Hope ur dad gonna be fine and get well very soon, Insyallah!
Emma said…
uh... td tgk title posting, ingatkan alia yg masuk hosp...

hopefully ayah zue cepat sembuh..

-mama emma-
Anonymous said…
semoga your dad cepat sembuh ok. Take care!
iena hamdi said…
semoga cepat sembuh yer ....zu sabar tau....

KP doakan moga ayah cepat sembuh dan banyak- kan b'sabar yek
sabar n bykkan berdoa ok

semoga segalanya selamat
~finee~ said…
emmm semoga cepat sembuh ok... take care
Nurhayati said…
kami sekeluarga mendoakan semoga ayahanda cepat sembuh.. aminnn...

p/s: dok kat sg buloh ek.. kat ne??
my parent hse kat bandar baru =)
Diver Mom said…
zuhaini to all..

thank you very much! hanya Allah sahaja yang mampu membalas baik budi saudara dan saudari sekalian... doakan everything goes well.. amiin.