... but you don't have any safey gate.

(Our Mr Alligator)
well, this alligator we got from Atuk Alia who went to Sarawak last year.. thank you Mom!
We were surprised to notice that Alia is currently afraid of this thing... (well, she broke into tears!)
Before this, she weren't that afraid..

(this pic was back when she was around 7 months or something..)
So, we use this method to prevent her from climbing up the stairs!

**actually, there's a video that i should post here.. but seems internet is quite slow now.. maybe later!
hehhehe... esok dier dah tak takut.. kene carik idea lain la ek..
hehe.. takut buaya juga ya! boleh geng dgn alia nih.. hihi..
hihi.. betul la.. kejap je tu... kang kena cari lagi idea ni.. hihi..