on Alia Turns 1 today !!!!!!


Actually ibu alia has a workshop this whole week.. ni pun curi-curi masa.. haha..

Happy Birthday ALIA!!!!! Mmuah.. sayang alia.. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki.. semoga menjadi anak yg solehah, dan berbakti pada Agama, Bangsa dan Negara, ya nak..

Oh ya, SURPRISINGLY, the FIRST wish came from Makcik Babysitter! wah...

Ibu Alia (as usual, will wake up at 5 am, and set ALia's bag for the next day..) and sudden

ly Ibu Alia found THIS!

"Happy Birthday Dear Alia"

Di dalamnya ada sehelai T shirt and sehelai seluar.. wah.. i was so touched!

Terima kasih, makcik babysitter.. Alia dan Ibu ALia sungguh terharu.. terima kasih banyak2.. :)

Kebetulan esok makcik babysitter got some errands to do, so i'll be asking Ely to take care of Alia. So tonite we'll spend the nite at AU3..

Wonder what's for dinner... hahaha....


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Alia!!
Emma said…
happy bday alia...

xde buat celebration ape2 ke?

-mama emma-
Anonymous said…
Happy 1st Bday Alia!!!
Be gud girl k! :)
p/s: ur parents dok AU3 yek belah mana??... i dulu dok AU3/31...
SaDi said…
Happy Birtday Baby!!!!!!!!!
Zue said…
happy birthday alia!!! ingatkan mak long orang pertama! ada orang lain dah potong ya... tak apa

present nanti bila kita jumpa mak long beri ya....
Ms.Rainna said…
eppy burfday alia!!~
May Allah bless you :)
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday dear Alia..
Jua Zulkef said…
happy first sweet birthday to alia yg sweet...

Diver Mom said…
tengkiu, aunty! :)

mama emma

hehe.. itu tak tau lagi la.. tgk dulu.. :)

baby sofia
thank you...
insya Allah..
oh my parents duduk di AU3/7A, depan mesjid! :)

Thank you, aunty! :)

Thank you, abang neil! :)

ada present..? wah.. susah2 je.. hehe..

MArina mienamei
Thank you, aunty! :) insya allah..

Thank you, aunty! :)

Jua Zulkef
Thank you, aunty! :) hehe.. sweet ke..? hihi..