on Renovation (Part 1) n Air Sihat!

Salam semua...

Guess what..? after a while of korek sana and korek sini, finally we have some money to TILE OUR PORCH! :) haha..

So, last Tuesday (during lunch break, we bought all the materials needed)

When we got home, the work done was clearing all the grass n level the ground.

(ahahah.. can u see the tall grass in my lawn..? haha.. mcm hutan kan..?)

and on Wednesday, this was the progress so far..

(alhamdulillah, SO FAR looks like this Indonesian man is a reliable one .... we were scared that he might run away, or leave the project half way done..)

**today, he's going to pasang tiles!! :)

:::::::::: on Air Sihat ::::::::::

Guess what..? I already got my Air Sihat!!! :)
*the tagline is : Air SIhat, erm.. keluarga something.. i forgot! haha)

Alhamdulillah... (I asked the dealer to install it for me.. haha..) I asked him to put it right on the top of the kitchen cabinet ~ like Ms Jua did.. but he refused. He said, when i had to change the filters, it will be difficult.. (ye la tu.. ke ntah2 dia malas kot.. haha)

Alhamdulillah.. although some colleagues of mine at work keep promoting their water filters (Hai-O, Bio Aura, Zhulian.. U name it!) but my heart fell for this one.. the one and only Dr. Sukida..

And oh ya, the dealer, Mr Sang, said that if i were to promote this to my neighbours, i can get some side income.. haha.. (and i asked him, "how much?".. haha.. Mata duitan da... hhahah.. tgk la mcm mana..kalau saya rajin..)

Oh ya, u may asked me, why did i choose this water filter right..? because after i went to their website, they CLAIMED that after we drink water from it, insya Allah all the sickness will be gone.. like menstrual cramps.. pimples (this one u have to wash ur face using the water).. and at the website too, there were so many testimonials and majority of them got well from just by drinking the water.. haha..

*and the price were as same as the water filters in the market! (so, what do i get to loose, right?)

**i'm going to TEST whether it really is an Air Sihat or not, I am going to test it to my dad who is currently dealing with his brain tumor.. ha.. meh kita tgk betul ke tak, ianya Air Sihat.. :)


Emma said…
memula kita baca, ingatkan zu & hubby yg pasang sdiri simen tu... he he..

-mama emma-
Diyanazman said…
cantiknya rumah zuhaini.. kat area mana tu?
sonokla alia boleh lari2 nanti sebab luas... ehheeheee
Jua Zulkef said…
Jgn letak tinggi2 'air sihat' tu coz time nak cuci takut susah lak. I letak atas cabinet sbb tepi sinki xde space. Rajin2 le cuci itu ceramic filter bila dah nampak kuning =)

Waktu faris dlm pantang, i mandikan dia dgn air Dr.sukida. Ngada2 kan i ni...
Diver Mom said…
precious innocent
hehe.. mana la i larat..posa lagi.. keje lagi.. jaga alia lagi.. hihi.. tu menempah maut namanya.. haha..

cantek..? haha.. biasa je.. area sungai buloh. Saujana Utama. hehe.. dia tak leh lari sangat.. tu nak jadi tmpat parking kereta.. :)

jua zulkef
hehe.. tu la yg malasnya tu..
erm.. kira hebat gak la mama Faris ni leh pasang sendiri.. kami suh org tu je pasang.. haha..

:) hehe.. tp agaknya mmg bagus air nya.. org tu pun kata kalau banyak jerawat, leh cuci muka pakai air tu.. :)
Unknown said…
wahh...pasang tile sempena raya yek?? bole la dtg raya ni nanti...ekekke
~ziey~ said…
hmm......berkilau laaa lepas nih laman awak yer siti.....hihihihi....umah rayer nih....harusss barbeque + open house sempena rayer....syiok nih... ;-)
Anonymous said…
where got grass one..like desert only...muahaha - KakPah