Today, 2nd July 08, Alia turns 7 months old!
Let's see what she can do at this age..
Today, 2nd July 08, Alia turns 7 months old!
Let's see what she can do at this age..
~~she can communicate to me! (hehe.. perasan! actually, yesterday she was making this sound 'eh.. eh..'. I looked at her and she was looking at me. so i said, 'ye Alia, nak apa..?' and she smiled! (macam paham je apa kite cakap..)
~~she can meniarap easily - sampaikan susah nak tukar diapers dia.. :(
~~she can mengesot so laju.. :)
~~She suda pandai angkat her bontot.. (maybe she can crawl in no time soon!)
~~oh ya, her hair has grown! :)
tu je lah kot... :)