on Bubur n New House

Assalamualaikum all..
erm.. actually nothing much has happened for the past few days..

oh ya, we (ibu and ayah Alia) were on leave last Tuesday, to settle 2 things:

- Alia's 6-months' check up..
-receive keys for our house (can u believe it..? Our own house! hihi)

::::: [on Alia's Check Up]:::::
So, early in the morning.. we headed to Tanglin Clinic.. Not far from my office (and Wan's office too!). Actually, this appointment was supposed to be on Thursday (last week), but since we (ibu n ayah Alia) had meeting at JPM, we have to postpone it to last tuesday..

As usual, not many people there, just about 2 or 3 pregnant ladies with their hubbies.. within 5 minutes, the nurse called upon Alia and took her weight and height. And after that, consultation session..
-Alia's weight now is 6.6 kg (merely 0.5 kg increased of a period one month).

The nurse : dah start bagi makanan pelengkap ke..?
Me : (with confident) Dah.. tentulah! genap je 6 bulan, terus kami bagi.. (altho we gave Alia a few weeks earlier than that)
The nurse : bagi makan apa?

Me : Saya bagi biskut je.. (we gave Farley's rusk). Tak berani nak bagi bubur, pasal baru lagi..

and guess what..?


Me : er... ok..

and the nurse told me how to prepare rice porridge for ALia and asked me to put in vege, chicken, fish, and some oil (OIL??? she said the oil gives energy.. ye ke? i thought oil is for constipation.. haha)

heheh.. padan muka saya.. tu lah, aritu lagi my friend Hanny has told me to give ALia bubur, but i said later la.. hihi.. now i have to be extra rajin a bit la.. heheh..

:::::[on New House]:::::
So, after that we headed to Saujana Utama and we were given the keys to our new house..
we inspected it at first (the orang from Glomac was a bit late, so we take a look at it first!)
overall ~ ok la, although they still have yet to wash n polish the floor..
So now, my plan is to search for reliable contractors who do kitchen cabinet.
CAN YOU HELP ME...? :) pleeeaaassseeee..... thank you in advance..


MN said…
congratulations on your new house...
sure busy nak mencari2 barang and also a good contractor...
be careful coz skang ni harga barang utk buat2 rumah ni mahal2..
that's what my contractor said...
Zue said…
oh ya.. hari tu ani ada sms pasal bubur tu, sori le, really really lupa nakjawab... ;D

but okayla. since nurse tu dah explain pretty much everything, but to be honest with you, working mom ni biasanya susah nak cari time untuk prepare proper porridge dgn sayur dgn ayam semua.

well. ada satu buku ni, i found it quite useful to vary your child's food. nanti kekna pos ke
aCu said…
apesal ayat kek tergantung eh?
nvr mind..
neway,kat umah baru tu nnti jgn lupe hiaskan bilik ika eh..
klu perlu pangil eric,nnti ika cll die..
Emma said…
pssss... i pun agak 'males' nak buatkan bubur nasi utk ryan...

mujur MIL jaga ryan, dia la yg rajin buatkan bubur...

ampun ryan..mama'll try to be more rajin next time... errr.. tp bila ek?? ha ha....
Anonymous said…
hi..im iza...i live there at su3 as well...welcome to the new community
cendawanintim said…
wahhhh, syioknyer nak duk umah baru tuh...house warming jangan lupa invite kitaorang...

**tengah prep porridge tuk baby ker?
Anonymous said…
Salam, ibu alia..
Anak saya pun baru turn 6months few days ago. Dia pun baru mengesot... Beli rumah kat SU yek? Me pun duduk area SB jugak = DC.
Mimi said…
congratss babe on ur new hse..

lepasnieh sure bz2 nak decorate n penuhkan ur hse ;)

i pun tgh survey kitchen cabinet walaupun dh 2yrs masuk umah hehe..

there's 1 recommended by my SIL kat bangi nie, 1 in Alamanda (signature kitchen) n try2 la survey Ikea punya kalau minat ;)
Diver Mom said…
mrs noba:
Tq.. ye betul.. skg tgh survey barang2 yg murah.. (dan cantek..) hihi..

x pe..
ok.. jgn x pos..! :)

hihi.. mcm la eric tu kenal dia..

mama ryan:
hihi.. sama la kite.. untung mama ryan punya mil da buatkan... :)

iye..? seronoknye! ada geng! hihi...

ok, insya Allah.. ingatkn saya kalau saya lupa ya..

oh.. baby kite sebaya.. :)
DC.. dekat da tuh.. :)

signature punya design mmg cantek giler.. tapi sy tatau arganya.. mahal tak eh..?