Alia turns 6 months old!

Assalamualaikum all..

Guess what? yesterday (2nd June 08), Alia turns 6 months old! wah.. how time flew so quickly..

ok, let's see what can she do at this moment:

~ erm.. the most wonderful thing is that she is now learning how to crawl.. she can angkat the bontot, her fists can moves to the front, and she can lift up her body, and.. crawl.. (well, this happens if her mood is OK...)

~she can hold things! toys esp. and, she'll put in her mouth.. (oh ya, the playgym that we bought, we can FINALLY use it! she is now able to PLAY with it.. Alhamdulillah.. I thought it was a waste of money..)

~ We are currently giving her Farley's Rusk (1 and a half piece everyday) and i guess she takes it pretty well.. (compared to the rice cereal.. I think the cereal's taste isn't as good as the rusk..)

~ She likes to jerit-jerit a lot! (but there are times when she's in that mood)

~ She can giggles! yes.. when we do the agah, or 'Chak!' she will smile and sometimes giggles..

~ She loves it when i bathe her (long-long time ago - during my confinement period, she used to cry when we bathe her.. dunno why..) Lucky it has now gone!

~ She likes to 'baring-baring' on my lap and watch Malay Drama (the one at TV3 every evening..)

~ She loves to smile.. :)

I guess that's all... haha.. can't wait to see her run!


Ida Naziri said…
besar dah alia yer...nak pndi merangkak dah
Diver Mom said…
tu la.. bila flashback balik, rasa mcm da besar da skrg.. heheh.. merangkak tu baru 1st phase.. dia lom master lagi.. :)
Anonymous said…
happy 6 months old dear :)
cepat jugak dia merangkak kan.... tak lama lagi leh berjln lak huhuhu... masa tue mmg terasa cepat betul masa berlalu kan...
Diver Mom said…
time kasih auntie..
heheh.. betul tu! :)
Anonymous said…
wa alia sudah mau merangkak! chaiyo²! enjoy every phase puas² mama alia..hehee..naty die dh dpt kaki, pueh nk ngejor!
*SiRibenMerah said…
da big gurl la..
hehehe.. bulat je mata dia..
Diver Mom said…
Heheh.. time kasih for the advice.. :)

Heheh.. mata dia mmg bulat! :)